I’m really excited by this. I sold my nintendo switch a while ago and I miss handheld gaming while going on trips. and also the fact that alot of games will probably be ported to linux because of this. what do you all think?

  • poVoq
    3 years ago

    Have you actually used it? These streaming services are nice for extremely casual gaming and will have a niche market (which might become big indeed, similar to mobile games), but they do not replace a home PC or console for “proper” gaming due to latency issues.

    • @kimjong_ill@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      i use it daily. latency is only an issue if you are one of the world’s top players in an online multiplayer (and if you are, you own a crazy expensive rig that doesn’t need to stream anyway), or if you have poor/slow internet connection. otherwise, it is perfectly fine, even for “casual” competitive use in those types of games.

      • poVoq
        13 years ago

        I disagree, maybe you are almost living next to the data-center this cloud gaming runs on, but most people don’t and input latency is really noticeable on fast paced games even for a more casual gamer like me. It really demotivates me playing a game if the input latency is so bad, and I almost feel like it makes me borderline physically sick (which would explain why it unconsciously demotivates me to play).