I have been a lurker here on lemmy for a while and I have hesitantly made an account because I wanted to create a post on politics.

I want to preface this by saying, I lived a childhood being indoctrinated on politics. I was constantly being told that free markets are the pinnacle of human intellect and that free markets (in literally an absolutist way on every aspect of life) is the only way that leads to progress. It honestly took me a while to challenge these beliefs with I attribute to Shaun and Hbomberguy on youtube, and eventually embrace leftist ideas in my personality.

When the recent drama regarding the Uighur muslims occured recently I was a bit let down. I have looked around and saw posts that I understand to be supportive of the CCP in China and other communist states.

So here is my question. Why? Even if we forget about the Uighur, what about the Tianamen square massacre? Is that also false information? China’s tightening grip on hong kong despite being met with resistance from people of Hong Kong, is that also false information? The repercussions of Mao’s leadership? The complete absence of gay and trans rights in modern day China? China being a police state? Is that all false propaganda?

If your answer might be that western states have also failed to protect the interests of common people, I agree. I think western states do see a resurgence of far right movements exactly for this reason. But this is not a comparison of who is the worst.

Why exactly do people here (at least that is what I perceive) turn a blind eye to the brutalities of an authoritarian government such as the CCP?

  • LunaticHacker
    63 years ago

    It ends up demanding that I change my perspective of history, which I am not willing to do, because it really is too much to ask for.

    You deliberately choose not to re-examine the legitimacy of claims made by your sources, and then accuses us of holding extremist beliefs 🙃.

    people here will unequivocally condemn the massacre that happened in Nanking during WW2 by the then japanese imperial army. But when discussing the tianamen square massacre, it was suddenly not that bad?

    How is this even comparable?? what do you think happened in Tiananmen Square?

    • @CutePlatinumAsteroid@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      What I think happened in tianamen square aligns with the wikipedia article on it.

      I transparently said that I can attempt to reconsider my perspective. A demand to reconsider my perspective repeatedly on the argument that I only read the “western propaganda”, is too much to ask for.

      I can go ahead and admit that there is no cultural cleansing of Uighur muslims. Next talking point, the tianamen square. Again, “western propaganda”, it did not happen. The Maoist era? Again, it is intentionally portrayed as horrific by media, therefore “western propaganda”.

      I do not accept to change my mindset and perception under a repeated, and frankly easy to abuse argument, that it is all some CIA conspiracy.

      • LunaticHacker
        63 years ago

        Oh, OK I misread your argument, you’re right that ‘everything is western propaganda’ is not a good argument. But that’s not the sole basis of our historical analysis it’s just an important part of it. I’ll provide you a learning list on the Uyghur topic to demonstrate this

        1st video

        2nd video

        3rd video

        Qiao Collective Article

        The Truth behind the Uyghur problem

        1st Megathread

        2nd megathread

        We don’t dismiss every bad thing socialist countries did as western propaganda, it’s understable why you might think that since most of these ‘bad things’ are just western propaganda, there are legitimate criticisms of the CPC, other Socialist countries and their leaders, we acknowledge that, we don’t think those mistakes define them. and most importantly we won’t let those mistakes overshadow the great achievements they made for our movement.

        • @CutePlatinumAsteroid@lemmy.mlOP
          -13 years ago

          I went through some of the links. To be honest, no matters the sources, I don’t think I can let myself trust viewpoints that align with highly authoritarian entities. I believe that you share the links in good faith, but that is a world view that I prefer to stay away from.

          On the other hand I am more than willing to discuss socialism, in fact book recommendations would be welcome.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
            33 years ago

            You are trying to drum up drama by denying the “authoritarian” “socialist” supporting facts, and believing in the imperialist black information taught to you since the starting.

            Someone who cannot critique their own position will always end up being dishonest, willingly or unintentionally.

          • LunaticHacker
            23 years ago

            You accused us of dismissing sources as western propaganda and now you are doing the same by labeling it as authoritarian propaganda.🙃

            I don’t think I can let myself trust viewpoints that align with highly authoritarian entities. I believe that you share the links in good faith, but that is a world view that I prefer to stay away from.

            Read that again comrade, I hope you’ll see the fallacy 🤗

            On the other hand I am more than willing to discuss socialism, in fact book recommendations would be welcome.

            I’m still learning theory, I don’t think I have read enough to give recommendations you can ask for that in communities dedicated for learning.

            • @CutePlatinumAsteroid@lemmy.mlOP
              3 years ago

              There might be an irony, and I kinda see it, but also I have the right to withhold my suspicions which at the moment I think harms noone.