• @Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
    13 years ago

    I love Linux and I’ve used it almost exclusively for 10 years. That said, Windows and MacOS have always been more stable for me than any desktop Linux distro.

    For instance, when a Linux desktop starts getting overloaded it has been my experience that the UI will start to lag. MacOS and Windows seem to give a higher priority to processing UI elements so that even when the system becomes overloaded it still presents a smooth UI (even if programs are not responding). Similarly I have never had the window manager, or display manager crash on Windows or MacOS, but I have encountered DE instability many times on Linux.

    Servers that I’ve run with Linux are a different story. Without a GUI or audio I’ve never had a single problem.

    • poVoq
      3 years ago

      This is honestly the complete opposite of my experience. Especially the display manger on Windows crashes all the time, they just (rather recently) got really good at hiding that fact, so that on a cursory glance it is not so noticeable on modern Windows PCs. However I don’t think I ever had KDE crash on me on normal desktop use (in nearly 20 years of Linux deskop use).

      • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        I don’t think I ever had KDE crash on me on normal desktop use (in nearly 20 years of Linux deskop use)

        You should play the lottery :D