I looked at some Linux podcasts before, however as good as they were they were also interrupted by shitty ad segments about products I don’t want to hear about one bit. If I’m remembering correctly Late Night Linux had 3 ad segments in a 30 (?) minute episode! Are there any alternatives without ad segments?

  • @someone@lemmy.mlOP
    23 years ago

    Doing that is not so easy when you download them onto your phone. Unlocking the screen and trying to find the correct spot, also sometimes they integrate the ads so deeply you don’t see them coming until they mention the product name.

    • @Jojonintendo@lemmy.ml
      43 years ago

      To be honest I don’t really mind the ad segments and sometimes I don’t skip them. They’re really short and the rest of the content is usually worth it.

    • ufra
      23 years ago

      Also on any type of podcast, skipping ads is disruptive if you are trying to fall asleep to one, especially when the ads are obnoxious.