Just say no to Linus and his opinions …

  • zote
    52 years ago

    I installed windows 11, and to be fair it was the beta version, it installed, let me do my thing, updated one day, and then marked everything on my hard drive as admin locked, meaning nothing would run, I couldn’t save files, my system was useless. It would not let me turn it off, it didn’t tell me it was going to do it, or why it did it. I only discovered the issue by chance whilst troubleshooting why nothing worked, a normal user would have just been screwed. Not that I wasn’t I guess, my only recourse was to reinstall and hope it didn’t do it again. My point being that you can’t expect things to always just work when it comes to computers. Any system is going to have issues, and coming in to a whole new experience like he is, is going to make those experiences feel worse. He’s even said as much himself. Personally I find running Linux to be very rewarding, I’ve had weird issues, but the solutions are always available somewhere. Windows is a black box, if things break it’s good luck and nothing else. Case in point I’m pretty sure if he read the warnings it even told him what command he would need to run to fix it if he did ignore the warning and it broke everything. Linux will work just fine for mainstream, if people are willing to learn how to use Linux, the same as they’ve learned how to use windows, or Mac. If you’re not willing to learn at all it’s not going to work.