As always, this is an opinion based post and you can agree or do not agree with such suggestions.

  • azron
    62 years ago

    You using budgie as your DE or what? I’m looking for a new family friendly distro to replace windows (by request believe it or not) and this one keeps coming up.

    • SudoDnfDashY
      42 years ago

      I’m actually using i3

      But Budgie is amazing. It’s slightly lower on resources, easier to configure, and more user-friendly than GNOME. Most of the apps a average user would need are there, and they are all in their latest version, updated every Friday.

      • Mossy
        22 years ago

        I don’t know if Budgie is “more user-friendly” that GNOME, from my experience, I’ve found the opposite to be true. Although, Budgie is probably easier to adapt to if you are coming from Windows.

        • SudoDnfDashY
          22 years ago

          I think that it personally it is more user friendly. GNOME is very different ways of doing things, and while that is one of it’s strengths, it makes it feel unlike anything I’ve ever used and less user friendly to me.

          • Mossy
            22 years ago

            It’s one of those things that varies a lot from person-to person. Maybe GNOME’s activity-oriented workflow suits you better, or maybe you prefer a task bar. The great thing about Linux is that we have these options!

            • SudoDnfDashY
              22 years ago

              Agreed. Personally tiling is my thing, but I do love GNOME. Even if it doesn’t fit my workflow, I do appreciate all DE’s and think the more choice the better.