My own small hobby project. It gathers data from OpenWeatherMap, but will soon get data from another API. Check for the official website that uses Serenum API.

    2 years ago

    I use the window of my salon with a weather station. I don’t like weather apps, because they need your location to work properly, which can be a privacy hole. A cheap electronic weather station has the same or even more accuracy. They work with an sensor outside, to measure humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc. When you need the weather, because of an trip, you can consult the global weather map for you country or for the destination.

    3,99 Euro

      02 years ago

      Weather forecasts aren’t even as accurate as many claim to be. Especially any forecast that’s past 48 hours is bs. You may have a macro trend but not for a specific location. And an app that tells you it’ll definitely rain in an hour is just nonsense.

    • @airikr@lemmy.mlOP
      02 years ago

      First I have to say good 🙂 Local weather stations and thermostats are more accurate for your place than what weather services like OpenWeatherMap are.

      Compared to other weather services, Serenum API will never use your geolocation or IP address to pinpoint your location. You enter this information manually in the address field.

      When the new website for Serenum releases, it will never use your IP address nor your geolocation. You will enter the desire location via a form. The current website at do geolocate you, but only on your terms. But since it’s only a beta, that feature does not always work.

      Serenum are and will always be free to use, and Serenum will never log anything about you. OpenWeatherMap and Ambee (if enabled) might log something about you, though.