I don’t use deoderant; I don’t feel the difference and I never really cared much about my smell; but my parent keeps bringing it up and it’s annoying.

Also, what’s wrong with smell? Human smells differ anyway.

  • Metawish
    12 years ago

    I’ve actually read that using soap everywhere actually might be harming our skin barrier if showering every day. It seems soap on the armpits, genitals, and any stinky parts are the only place you should wash daily.

    The article in question: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121065824/https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/25/magazine/my-no-soap-no-shampoo-bacteria-rich-hygiene-experiment.html

    Also, haven’t read it yet, but “The Joy of Sweat” by Sarah Everts seems like a good look at sweat.

    But also, yeah use deodorant around other people. I’d suggest something unscented because really fragrant smells can be just as aggressively stinky (in the opposite way) as natural sweat.

    • dreamLogic
      22 years ago

      I read a book on the topic and ever since I’ve only washed my stinky bits every 2-3 days. You can overwash, and it does do damage to your skin barrier. Sorry, I know your post was from weeks ago but this is knowledge everyone should know.

      • Metawish
        12 years ago

        No worries about the length of time. Would you happen to know the book you read? I’d be real interested in reading it! I’m very aware of skin barrier damage (had acne when a teenager and killed the barrier so I kept getting acne until I healed that up!) but never thought about those stinky bits having their own…something to ponder on

        • dreamLogic
          2 years ago

          I had to dig but I found it. Title Beyond Soap: The Real Truth About What You Are Doing to Your Skin and How to Fix It for a Beautiful, Healthy Glow

          • Metawish
            22 years ago

            Oh wow thank you! Added to my book list, much appreciated!