Hello everyone. So this year has me feeling very isolated and I’m thinking about how easy it used to be to meet people online and how difficult it’s become to do so. There used to be tons of good places to meet people but internet culture has changed so much that now it’s virtually impossible. Even places like OkCupid (which used to be great for meeting new people, both platonically and otherwise) has devolved into a tinder-esque swipefest.

What are some good places to meet people online nowadays? Obviously fediverse/FOSS sorts of places are preferred but not 100% necessary. I just need new friends.

  • Travis SkaalgardOP
    03 years ago

    I mostly just play games with friends I already have, unfortunately :/

    I’m going to try to get back into MMORPGs for almost exactly this purpose. There’s actually a pretty cool FOSS MMO called Ryzom I’ve been trying to get into.

    • @Titilonic@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Heard Read that it’s a grindfest with the occasional elite player where you must have friends to play with. It’s probably better than other FOSS MMOs though (looking at you Stendhal).

      • Travis SkaalgardOP
        23 years ago

        I’ve actually played a little bit of Stendhal, lol. It’s not terrible but there didn’t seem to be anyone else on…

        • @Titilonic@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          The one time I found more (like 4-8) people on the first town was on Christmas day. Sure it’s supposed to have an “old school feel” but that doesn’t mean that its usability must adhere to that mantra. It reminds me of Furcadia in that aspect, despite the second being an MMOSG (social MMO) where most players are idling in an 18+ area and use it more for chatting.

    • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      When you play, notify me. I use to play, but hardly ever recently. I would like to find more people.

      I still didn’t finish the beginner part :)))))