There is a reason Why Lemmy Is Almost Does Not Have Any Activity, Which is:

No One Can Join Lemmy & Interact With it.

If We take a look at “” We will come up with the following :

  • Most English Lemmy Instances Does Not Offer Register Now Service.

  • Even English Lemmy Instances that offer Register Now Service Does not allow you to create a Community.

  • If You Calculate the Average Registrations Per The Whole Page of Lemmy Instances (The Average amount of registrations at Lemmy as a Whole) You Will Find it less than 1,300 Not a day, Not a Week, Per MONTH (Less than 50 users per day). With Some instances have zero Average monthly registrations.

  • If You Dig Deeper You Will Find that a lot of the instances in the page block other instances, meaning even if the user could register at one instance he will not be able to even interact With the whole community.

I think that this issues need to be addressed in order to make this project worth it For the Developers & the users.

  • poVoq
    112 years ago

    Lemmy has a huge problem with trolls using other instances to impersonate users and post Nazi/gore/scat spam all over the place.

    Sadly moderation tools are still quite lacking in Lemmy and the best option currently available is making accounts subject to admin approval.

    I agree that this isn’t great from an on-boarding perspective and would prefer posts from new users to be hidden and non-federated by default or something like that, but that probably requires quite a bit of development on the backend first.

      • poVoq
        52 years ago

        Things that don’t block onboarding (like you can register, setup your profile, subscribe to communities), but slow down spammers (like first post approval or some sort of trust system like in Discourse). Also ways to more easily / quicker deal with spammers… it all feels a bit unintuitive and slow (many clicks to do simple things).

        Some sort of super-moderators that fall between community mods and admins would be also nice to delegate more moderation capacity without handing over full site control.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    2 years ago

    Most English Lemmy Instances Does Not Offer Register Now Service

    Because, we’ve had multiple brigades from probably 4chan with people posting Nazi propaganda, and, I wish I was making this up, gore and scat porn. Literally as soon as an instance pops up it gets flooded with that. Which prompts established instances to block it until it restricts signups.

    If You Dig Deeper You Will Find that a lot of the instances in the page block other instances, meaning even if the user could register at one instances he will not be able to even interact With the whole community.

    Working as intended. #wontfix The whole point of the fediverse is, your server talks to who you want to talk to and block who you want to block.

    We don’t want a few huge “catch-all” instances where literally everyone goes. We want many, small, niche instances. Again, that’s the point of the fediverse. We don’t want to be just like the mainstream social medias but with a decentralisation gimmick, we want the decentralisation to be meaningful.

    • NewOldOP
      2 years ago

      Because, we’ve had multiple brigades from probably 4chan with people posting Nazi propaganda, and, I wish I was making this up, gore and scat porn. Literally as soon as an instance pops up it gets flooded with that. Which prompts established instances to block it until it restricts signups.

      I Got Your Point But That Could Be Mitigated By Constant moderation, Simply You Can’t Have a Free Speech Without that type of issue.

      Simply ban the IPs & the accounts of the abusers while enforcing the rules, and it shall be clean after a while.

      I don’t know how it works in lemmy, but each instance could go and have a word filter (if the post contains a blacklisted word, it would be held for review).

      Working as intended. #wontfix The whole point of the fediverse is, your server talks to who you want to talk to and block who you want to block.

      I am Not Talking about the software feature, I am talking about why the 5,000 or so users who have an account at lemmy are unable to speak & interact with each other.

      Just So You Could understand my opinion my main page is 90% politics & News there, if that go on the lemmy Fediverse is about to turn into Buzzfeed as far as the content go.

      • Kromonos
        52 years ago

        Simply ban the IPs & the accounts of the abusers while enforcing the rules, and it shall be clean after a while.

        That would work. But banning the IP would mean banning whole instances, because spam does not only come from the local instance. Banning the user by username does work for 5 minutes, before they register a new account.
        Since nobody who’s hosting a Lemmy instance is paying a professional moderation team, which is 24/7 available to ban spam, it’s almost impossible to react in time.

        I don’t know how it works in lemmy, but each instance could go and have a word filter (if the post contains a blacklisted word, it would be held for review).

        This word filter is called slur-Filter and is available. Nevertheless, this has been criticized by outsiders very often and Lemmy as a whole was made bad.

        I am Not Talking about the software feature, I am talking about why the 5,000 or so users who have an account at lemmy are unable to speak & interact with each other.

        I don’t think it’s particularly beneficial to criticize Lemmy because some instance blocks others, but applaud Mastodon for “moderation”, on which a hashtag is highly valued that “recommends” blocking entire instances because one person has a problem with another on another instance.

    62 years ago

    Why is there an obsession in making lemmy an overpopulated platform. Social platforms with big userbases tend to degenerate quickly and it makes moderation harder than it already is.

    I am quite content with the slow growth and modest amount of activity on lemmy. If I weren’t I would’ve still had a reddit account. Less is sometimes more and vice versa.

    • NewOldOP
      -12 years ago

      With all due Respect to your opinion, How Do You See Lemmy Way of growth moving forward?

      What I mean is Let’s suppose that the number of active users reached 50,000 at the end of 2023, is 50k active user enough to host a worthy amount of opinions & Perspectives ?

      What I Expect to happen if the situation did not get addressed at its early stage is that a lot of users might become inactive and either ghost their accounts or delete their accounts, “Why” you ask, people get on the internet to change their perspectives, enjoy content and as needed express their beliefs or add a new perspective, Which leads to having only very small diversity on the site which make it less valuable than even Reddit.

      I genuinely want to replace my Reddit usage to lemmy, but simply the micro amount of activity here make it hard to.

      As for moderation, mastodon is going to pass 8,000,000 users soon, and they have gab and truth social there, yet they are still able to moderate it.

      Even 4chan, depending on your opinion, still moderate their site.

      • I don’t think we should focus on “growth” for Lemmy. “Growth” is focused on for other social medias because that’s how those corporations are able to secure funding.

        Lemmy and the fediverse isn’t that model. Its focused on personal relationships and inter-connectivity.

        Slowly people will defect to Lemmy instances from the more established Reddit, Facebook, etc.

        The largest issue I have with Lemmy is the account sign up doesn’t notify you when you’re accepted. This may be either an issue with my instance (or my own mess-up) but I didn’t receive an email notification. I just tried my credentials a day later and was able to get in.

      • Kromonos
        32 years ago

        As for moderation, mastodon is going to pass 8,000,000 users soon, and they have gab and truth social there, yet they are still able to moderate it.

        With what I’ve experienced on Mastodon so far, the “moderation” consists almost entirely of overblocking by distributing blacklists, which are primarily controlled by bigger instances.

        • NewOldOP
          -12 years ago

          You know what at least let us work on improving till it has 1,000,000 users, and then we will think about a scalable solution to the whole lemmy fediverse.

          We are no where near active enough to worry about the spam problem more than the activity problem .

  • krolden
    52 years ago

    Whats with capitalizing the first letter of so many words unnecessarily? Its really making me head brain much mush

  • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
    2 years ago

    I also recently noticed the problem with signups being too complicated, so Im planning to work on an alternative way for admins to approve new users. As an alternative to the current "registration application, admins could instead choose to review and approve comments from new users, which means that users can start posting immediately. Issue is here: