• @Whom@lemmy.ml
    73 years ago

    Having followed this controversy but lacking the technical knowledge…it’s hard for me to judge much.

    That said, I’m actually pretty happy with the outcome here. I’m a GNOME lover, but I think System76 doing their own thing is better for them. The way Pop has modified GNOME since cosmic shows a real misunderstanding of its workflow and priorities, splitting everything up to slow things down and ironically getting in the way of the keyboard-driven workflow their awesome tiling extension encourages. They do good work and the vision they seem to be moving toward isn’t inherently bad…it just clashes so dramatically with GNOME that trying to beat it into that shape makes for an awkward result that doesn’t suit either vision.

  • @dead10ck@lemmy.ml
    53 years ago

    Glad to finally see what the drama has all been about in context. There are clearly massive breakdowns in communication and feelings interfering with effective collaboration. One may not agree with GNOME’s stance on theming and not letting distributors break apps, but it’s clear that the GNOME hate frenzy these past few days/weeks has been totally devoid of good faith.

  • @MarcellusDrum@lemmy.mlM
    33 years ago

    While I use Pop_OS! as my daily drive, I hate that they are working on a new DE. The latest Linux video absolutely destroyed Pop_OS!, showing that even though we don’t want to see it, Linux still isn’t mature enough to be used by the average user. And imho, fragmentation is the reason for this. Just imagine how many years it would take the talented developers at System76 to make a stable and mature Desktop Environment, and how much better KDE or GNOME or XFCE would become if the same effort and time where put into them. I don’t like centralization obviously, but we already have so many great options, would be a waste of time working on another one while we don’t have a complete user-friendly solution yet.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.mlOP
      83 years ago

      It’s true open source doesn’t mean your PRs will get accepted, but closed source just means your work dies with you. Everybody reintroduces the wheel and nothing gets anywhere.

      • @VonMax@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Rather my work is close source until I feels it’s ready for release to public under LGPL, it’s more or less a WIP mainly with documentations, bindings for other programming languages, and adding more GUI control elements. It’s not going to always stay close source, it’s going to end up being dual licensed work.

      • @daojones@lemmy.ml
        03 years ago

        By “fuck with” I meant “support.”

        GNOME devs are toxic, System76 handled it unprofessionally. They can both fuck off as far as I’m concerned.

          • @daojones@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            I wish I liked KDE. I even tried playing around with LXQT.

            Currently I’m on Elementary OS just because of the simplicity and polish. Even though it’s based on GTK. I’d like if someone created a gnome-like UI based on QT. One that was designed to be both polished and accessible.

            I might try and make it myself, can’t be hard, right? :-D

            • @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
              3 years ago

              I’d like if someone created a gnome-like UI based on QT

              so cutefish? it’s more mac-like than GNOME like, but it’s kind of a elementaryOS but with Qt instead of GTK

              • @daojones@lemmy.ml
                23 years ago

                Yes hopefully Cutefish will get there. Right now it’s pretty basic. Seems like it was designed for tablets or something, but I do like it.