There's a disconnect between critiques of Telegram and its practical use that have made me uneasy about joining technical pile-ons around how it's not really encrypted messaging. Let me use the example of Telegram use in the Hong Kong protests
There are definitely pros and cons and I agree with many comments here that it’s about threat models and personal preference while making informed choices and promoting the importance of privacy. On a related note, the most alarming thing for me about Telegram is probably the fact that almost every Linux channel on there is full of fascists (and I’m talking literal neo-Nazis with Nazi stuff in their profile photos)! Grotesque and utterly bizarre!
There are definitely pros and cons and I agree with many comments here that it’s about threat models and personal preference while making informed choices and promoting the importance of privacy. On a related note, the most alarming thing for me about Telegram is probably the fact that almost every Linux channel on there is full of fascists (and I’m talking literal neo-Nazis with Nazi stuff in their profile photos)! Grotesque and utterly bizarre!
We have Wolfballs here on Lemmy too so we can’t exactly complain
I did not see them here yet (although I am only really visiting this instance), but maybe I am not seeing that well. :P