I’m not the person you asked, but Katamari Damacy had a unique looks that still holds up perfectly, the only improvement to be made is using higher def textures for the later games and remasters.
I think Windwaker still looks fantastic, and Windwaker HD looks as good as any recent release.
Also, Hades is a more recent game with very stylized graphics that look absolutely stunning.
Style > Graphical fidelity If a game has good style and design, it’s amazing how well it can hold up.
Absolutely agreed. What are your favorite stylized games?
🎶Understand (understand) the concept (the concept) of LOVE🎶 UNH!
Okami and Wind Waker are the first that come to mind. Both have aged beautifully.
I’m not the person you asked, but Katamari Damacy had a unique looks that still holds up perfectly, the only improvement to be made is using higher def textures for the later games and remasters.
I think Windwaker still looks fantastic, and Windwaker HD looks as good as any recent release.
Also, Hades is a more recent game with very stylized graphics that look absolutely stunning.
I’m not the one asked, but the ones I can think of top of my head are Killer7, which had pretty cool gradient shaders and Borderlands drawn style.
It definitely caters to the OG gamers. Really respects GoldenEye 007.