I always struggle with what sources I should be reading for news (particularly political news). I don’t want to read only sources that I agree with, but I also struggle finding news sources that aren’t sensationalist and put forward varied view points. Here are a few of the places I frequent (criticism of these sources or other recommendations are welcome.) I don’t think my political news sources are well varied so any recommendations there would be great as well.
- hackernews
- arstechnica
- the economist
- axios
- MIT News
- Wired
The Economist is a Neoliberal rag. Might I suggest reading Le Monde Diplomatique English edition instead? www.mondediplo.com - It’s the same style as The Economist but it doesn’t promote Neoliberal policies or coup d’etats.
thanks for the recommendation. I will give it a shot.
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the content.
Also in podcast version for those interested. Honestly it’s been noce sometimes to read those longform stuff. To often we just get news flashes and difficulty to have a broader point of view. I would recommend ready this sort of stuff especially when younger to get a better understanding of your own political opinions sometimes.
Also in podcast version for those interested. Honestly it’s been noce sometimes to read those longform stuff. To often we just get news flashes and difficulty to have a broader point of view. I would recommend ready this sort of stuff especially when younger to get a better understanding of your own political opinions sometimes.
Also in podcast version for those interested. Honestly it’s been noce sometimes to read those longform stuff. To often we just get news flashes and difficulty to have a broader point of view. I would recommend ready this sort of stuff especially when younger to get a better understanding of your own political opinions sometimes.
Also in podcast version for those interested. Honestly it’s been noce sometimes to read those longform stuff. To often we just get news flashes and difficulty to have a broader point of view. I would recommend ready this sort of stuff especially when younger to get a better understanding of your own political opinions sometimes.