please don’t harrass or insult that website, but I recently browsed that website because I wanted to get a wallpaper, but then I realized the top bar was saying “Xenia suggests you get Firefox”, wait what?? She wouldn’t suggest that first of all, second, this means that the website knows if you are using Google or Firefox, so that can be a harmful addition. I will talk to the owner maybe, that is bad because all browsers can be good!! And that website is really pretty but I dislike that top bar.

    11 months ago

    Chrome, and browsers based on it, currently account for more than three quarters of web traffic. This gives Google a huge amount of power over the web and how people are able to interact with it. Google is also a company who’s primary business is advertising and surveillance; this means they have every incentive to curtail your ability to stop websites from spying on you and force you to use the web on their terms. They’re currently exercising this power with the rollout of Manifest V3, where they’re severely limiting the functionality of content blocking extensions like uBlock Origin.