I didn’t brush my teeth as a child and teen because I had energy issues and I struggled to actually do them; I still struggle to do it today.

I rarely floss because it seems like a lot of work for seemingly little gains.

I got plaque again after getting teeth cleaned some weeks ago. I guess my teeth is screwed…

  • toneverends@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    If you can get close to eliminating sugar and simple starches from your daily diet, that alone will prevent a lot of plaque build-up and even slow/prevent advancement of tooth decay (within reason… Please see a dentist and get tooth decay fixed before it destroys your quality of life).

    Sugary foods include things like dried fruit. Simple starches include crackers and most bread (I find a crusty open-crumb sourdough to cause less plaque buildup than a fluffy yeast loaf, despite being basically the same ingredients.)