From the pov of a human or a cow?
Cow leather is more moral in my pov
Or is it about sourcing it from them after their natural death?
Even then cow leather seems more moralI’d donate my body to a Tanner. Cows can’t make this choice in a we can understand at least.
Douglas Adams morally safe meat. Cows breed to be smart enough to agree to be food. To the point they will just pop off and off them selves … But don’t worry it will be in a very humane way… And don’t forget to try my rump it’s very juicy…
This is from the restaurant at the end of the universe btw
It’s Rimworld, so making hats out of guests is kind of mandatory.
Why let baby foreskins go to waste is what I always say.
Why human love infant genital mutilation so much?
Wait… Don’t tell me you don’t know about the baby foreskin facials???
Baby foreskin facials are so wasteful. Why smear them on your face once and discard them when you can make a leather thong from them for years of use?
Could you imagine a baby foreskin fanny pack? That way it could hurt everyone involved!
Well in all seriousness, humans can consent and cows can’t (or if they can, they have no unambiguous way to communicate this consent to humans), so human leather is more ethical.
Well, the human can consent, so that would make it perfectly ethical if they do.
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Blindly hits “Agree”.
They consented when they tried to raid me.
It’s ethical i would say, since humans are an invasive species
Jokes like this make me uncomfortable :( there’s legit eco fash positions like this. Invasive species rhetoric is bad applied to all species imho, because killing children for some sort of inherited sin seems unreasonable to me.
You have to be equal opportunity about it. If you start saying this kind but not that kind then it’s just racism ingrouo outgroup bullshit.
i forgot people actually think like this 💀
We do have to ask if Malthusians are really people…
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A Buncha muncha cruncha human!
Try it with a Soylent Cola!
because of the meat industry, i think its more ethical to use leather than let it go to waste. it lasts a long time and can replace a lot of other textiles that would need to be replaced more.
Yeah, just like we should eat more meat. Meat is just a waste product of the leather industry! Eating meat helps stop climate change because then we dont need to eat plants that are mono culture that use up space of trees.
People need to realize this more.
Its true, but on the flipside if you gave the meat industry less ways to recoup cost of “waste” then it may push meat prices higher and move people to plant based diets, thus removing need for amount of animals
Sourcing leather from humans is always morally correct! You will get 50% off for bringing your whole family in!
Reminds me of a time in biology class
Q: What’s a resource everyone has access to?
I mean that’s a screenshot from Rimworld so ethical leather harvesting is a small thing compared to prisoner organ harvesting (Source I play too much Rimworld)
Hey like the chinese did to their political prisoners who wanted freedom!
Vegan leather. Not made out of vegans. Actually made out of polyurethane: oil: check, microplastics: check, disposable with a short usable life: check!
Leather also emits microplastic, it’s just not a monomer we call “plastic” but its going in your balls too!
please build shelves
Gotta do something with dead raiders.
Depends on the cow and the human.
If a cow is a dick and harming other cows, moral.
If the human lives a modest life and pursues charitable acts to make themself happy, immoral.