• Tmpod@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I use Firefox.

    Privacy related: uBlock Origin, LocalCDN (active Decentraleyes fork), PrivacyPossum (don’t have it enabled all the time), CanvasBlocker, ClearURLs (cleans tracking query params).

    Convenience: BitWarden, Firefox containers, Temporary containers, Privacy reditect (super handy), ToS;Dr, RES, Stylus and Dark Reader (with the new DR version I sometimes save the generated “dynamic” style after navigating some pages of a website, and then shove it into Stylus for better performance).

    Absolutely need this, I don’t even know how to browse without this anymore lol: Tree Tabs (this specific one: https://gitlab.com/kroppy/TreeTabs ; I dislike all others; I also remove the normal tab view at the top with user css) and AutoTab Discard (I tend to open a lot of tabs and without this my RAM goes bye bye; TT has this but it’s not as good)

    Additionally, I have a second Firefox profile that I can quickly bring up with Ctrl+Alt+F (akin to getting a terminal) and that sort of emulates Firefox Focus on desktop. Essentially it doesn’t store cookies between sessions, there’s no history, and all tabs are temporary containers. I don’t have as strict rules in uBlock and whatnot in that profile and I often use it for stuff that breaks a lot with my normal setup, or for things that I really don’t want to run on my normal profile (like Google). Also, I enabled DRM in it because some platforms I use require it. I try to minimize that usage though. I even made a little theme for the profile using color.firefox.com :D