#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.
Girboss because movie staring them lose money
Honey with water (just make sure you change the packaging after 5 years before the plastic starts to degrade)
Thought this was a trump supporter until I looked at who the OP was
If they don’t see the humour they’ll get it “removed” and its gonna be funny af
Capitalism at its best, spices are expensive for canned food so can’t compete, and theres no demand for spices in ready-made food
Cucks to the government: Kill terrorist and claim land
Everyone: Why must war happen? I hope the civilians get out OK. Where can I donate to the victims of this war?
Never been to a British supermarket
Why is normie naked? This feels disturbing, please unpost this
I’m not racist but, (Insert something funny)
Keyword: diversify. Maybe in knowledge base as well.
Oh no, investing in companies that turns a profit, that investment simply would never make returns for me personally; especially if I diversify my investments.
What a funny meme, can’t wait to show my friends this picture of they’re gonna laugh so hard
Cannot say female dog
Literally not updating the app after seeing this