Worth repeating:
Worth repeating:
I’m curious. Have you always been a complete jackass?
I bet Bozos is absolutely livid about not “investing” in a presidency. He can brag about his yachts all he wants but can he say he bought a president? NoOoOo!
What you are told on the phone and what will actually happen in the store are two completely different things.
It almost certainly is.
You are overlooking the pollution the emit while running, which is considerable, especially 2-stroke ones. A gas leaf blower used for an hour emits the same air pollution as driving 1,100 miles (source).
And the fact that that oil has to be changed periodically. They also have many plastic parts AND small engines have a notoriously high failure rate when used with ethanol fuels.
Meanwhile, the electric motors in battery ones basically run forever and properly cared for the batteries last many years, after which they can be recycled.
Hey come on, they just want a little lebensraum.
AKA a composting toilet.
An electric toothbrush and more importantly a water flosser have saved me thousands in dental treatment costs.
Then who?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Broadly speaking, I agree with you. You make a valid point.
But… I just am cynical enough to believe that Trump will in fact start wars in order to cling to power and their cost has nothing to do with it - my only real point here is that that’s not a concern for Republicans, generally. It’s worth noting that that is a key pillar in Putin’s domestic strategy. It’s how authoritarians operate. Even Bush started his wars mainly to boost domestic support and appeal to the instincts for “revenge” people had after 9/11. They weren’t wars that made any kind of sense, financially or otherwise. Not that they ever do.
Seriously, read 1984 and then criticize what I’m talking about.
Why would you assume I haven’t read it? But it’s a work of fiction and warning, not a prediction.
How many wars started during Trump’s last Presidency?
You will need to specify what precisely you mean when you say “war”. As you may be aware, Vietnam was at the time not called a “war” but a police action. Same with Korea. So when Trump did things like bomb the shit out of various places, those were not “wars” but “hurburudsusuerrrdur” or similar hand-waving.
Here’s a rundown: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/reckless-endangerment-president-trump-use-military-force/
“During his first 100 days in office, it has become clear that President Donald Trump views military force as his primary—if not only—foreign policy tool. From a botched special operations raid in Yemen to a cruise missile strike against an Assad-regime airfield in Syria, Trump has proven more than willing to order America’s armed forces into action. Moreover, his administration’s proposed “hard-power budget” cuts U.S. State Department funding by more than one-quarter to help pay for a $54 billion increase in military spending.”
Dude… starting a costly war when you don’t need to and then blaming the Democrats when they clean up the mess is what Republicans do.
I mean, you clearly are aware of which party just got elected to the presidency…
You are trying to generalize so you can make it not a class war because it’s easier. Stop it.