I have a good experience with digitalocean when it comes to technical stuff, or computing stability, most of my apps hosted there are business related apps, has nothing to do with public opinion. but recently i decided to launch a lemmy instance that allows freedom of speech with very less restrictions, and i’m still thinking to put the service on digitalocean, but i dont know if digitalocean is good when it comes to freedom of speech, because i dont want to wake up at the morning and find that they blocked my account and deleted all my data because they didn`t like what my users are talking about.

Note: Less restrictions means (no pornography, child pornography, terrorist group and violence support, copyrighted materials trade).

  • GadgeteerZA
    13 years ago

    “Freedom” is horrifically relative in many cases. You either have freedom or you don’t. Once you start justifying degrees of freedom, it is not freedom at all, but just degrees of censorship. Yes terrorism (relative to particular countries, or they called freedom fighters), hate speech, incitement to violence, happiness, child pornography, drugs, whatever are all free, or they are not. But in the US, it seems that “freedom of speech” seems synonymous actually with political opinions. Then why don’t we just call it politics or political opinion?

    Most Western countries are OK with freedom of speech along the lines of political opinion, but most are not OK with incitements of violence, hate speech, incitements to commit crimes in that country, etc.

    But you can choose the country of hosting for DigitalOcean which is the most compatible with what you want to host. My personal opinion is, it is often better to host it somewhere outside your own country, if the concern is about your own government.