was wondering why there is so less attention on flutter in most linux mobil communities? i like the idea that people can work together on their favorite apps doesnt matter which os there are using. also its maybe a good chance to bring high quality software with bigger communities to linux mobile

  • Ephera
    102 years ago

    There’s probably also some reservations, because it’s made by Google.

    Google tends to discontinue things, which would be very bad for a UI framework.

    And lots of open-source / Linux folks care about privacy, which tends to be at odds with Google. So, even just having to visit some Google website to look at the Flutter documentation, may be enough to not have people volunteering to do that.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      32 years ago

      I mean, simple mentioning Google will make some people just don’t care about it. As I understand

      • Ephera
        12 years ago

        Yeah, definitely. I’m one of those people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Like, I tried to provide some rational explanation as to why people might have those reservations, but at the end of the day, it’s my free time. I don’t owe anyone a rational explanation why I prefer contributing to (/ writing) project X over project Y.