Personally I like and agree with his perspective on computer software, but find it a bit extremist. As for his controversial opinions I’d rather not discuss about. How do you view his ideologies and has he impacted your life?

            2 years ago

            You know in an in-group of friends you could call yourself that depending on context and it would be a joke but in a professional setting I would classify this as sexist. In fact, if you look at the link someone else posted in this thread, you see that women are very uncomfortable with his behaviour, even going so far as developing Stallman avoidance tactics.

            To be clear, I generally agree with his stance on software freedom and don’t want to diminish his great intellectual contributions to software but I think he is not a good person to be put in a position of power.

            • @hello_lebbit@lemmy.mlOP
              2 years ago

              even going so far as developing Stallman avoidance tactics

              (Edit: found the exact qoute)

              "If RMS hits on you, just say ‘I’m a vi user’ even if it’s not true.”

              How can you read the above and think its not either:

              1. A fucking joke
              2. A shitty lie