I tried to find them, but when posting or replying there is no emoji button (like for Example in Mastodon).

Is there a reason for that? Or has just nobody implemented emojis yet?

  • Arthur Besse
    171 year ago

    Lemmy does have an emoji picker in the web interface. To access it just type a space and a colon ( :) while editing a comment, and then begin typing the name of your desired emoji. Like this:


    unfortunately there is currently a bug in it (at least here in tor browser) which causes the menu to appear near the top of the page when replying to comments far enough down the page that it is necessary to scroll, so, it is easy to miss. but it does work, though it is sometimes necessary to scroll up to see it. cc @nutomic@fedibb.ml @dessalines@lemmy.ml in case you guys haven’t noticed this bug.

    • Dessalines
      51 year ago

      If you could open an issue on lemmy ui, I can get to it at some point. I’ve been working on jerboa, the android app over the holidays mainly though.

      • Arthur Besse
        21 year ago

        sorry to say i don’t have a github account associated with this pseudonym and am too lazy to make one right now.

  • @flux@lemmy.ml
    141 year ago

    I don’t have an answer, but you can enter unicode emojis if your operating system provides access to them 😃.

  • @fnzen@feddit.deOP
    51 year ago

    Maybe for convenience a picker would be nice. It could also generate unicode emojis.

    But you are right, inputting unicode emojis directly is also an idea 😀. Works on MacOS where I’m on using the emoji picker. 🤗 everybody 😉.

  • The Kitten Cultist
    31 year ago

    My guess is that they don’t see much use with adding emoji picker built-in the website/app as they more focus on making discussions and vice versa. If you are using iOS/Android, you still be able to use an emoji as usual.