So many to pick… But I will choose only a few…
Age of Empires 2
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Doom 2
- Ff4, 6, and 7
- Chronotrigger
- Super Metroid
- Castlevania SOTN
- Zelda a Link to the past
- Tony hawk’s pro skater 1 and 2
- Any of the street fighter
- Pokemon
- Star craft + brood war
- Diablo 1 and 2
And so much more!
I’ve bought SOTN for 4 different systems/platforms now. Double Crissaegrim and double Rings of Varda ftw.
I used to play it that way to. OP. To the max. It was more fun to try the other weapons and items to be honest. The game has tonnes of unique gear!
This is almost my exact list. They’re all games I will happily replay.
I’m kinda surprised it took this long to see Pokémon mentioned.
Top 5
Doom and Doom II
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Super Mario World
StarCraft with Brood War expansion
Duke 3D
Similar to mine, I’d add TIE Fighter and Warcraft II as well.
This is the perfect list for me. Command & conquer was a gem!
This is the perfect list for me. Command & conquer was a gem!
Agree for C&C:RA. I easily spent hundreds of hours playing that game. But would you believe they were all on the PS1? (family didn’t have a PC in the 90s 🫤)
You can play Super Mario World on the PS1?
I gotta see that. Lol
and of course motherfucking Half-Life
Legendary ending and silly humor throughout made this my goat game. Super Mario World and Super Metroid tie for second.
The exact two that came to my mind!
that’s a big hi five, bro!
Definitely Half-Life.
Hard to pick one but if I had to I’d go with Final Fantasy VII since it was the game that got me into RPGs, and I got some good memories of watching my brother play it when we were kids.
I remember beating Final Fantasy VII and just staring at my TV in shock. Like, mouth hanging open, mind blown.
What’s crazy is for the life of me, I can’t even remember the basic gist of the ending of the game today. I just remember how it made me feel.
Earthbound and Chronotrigger are the two games with the most memories for me.
U. N. Squadron and Super Punch-out! We’re the two I played through the most - just over and over again. So much fun.
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
One of my all-time favorite Zelda games!
Mine too!
Command and conquer, before Westwood was fucked over by EA
- Quake
- Thief
- Metal Gear Solid
- Half Life
- System Shock 2
Honourable mention to Final Fantasy 7, and Zelda Ocarina of Time. They might have been great when released, but I don’t think they’ve aged well. Those are some excellent choices. I’d pick quake for multiplayer - and SS2 for single. Honorable mention to Dune 2.
Original Unreal. Ranked #1 in the world at one point for a couple weeks. Nothing compares to that game and time for me.
Total Annihilation… couldn’t get enough of it. Even playing strategy games today I desperately miss the elaborate control and mechanics of TA.
Unpopular opinion: Total Annihilation > Star Craft
*South Korea has entered the chat
Gonna throw Crash Bandicoot on this one as well
I replayed Spyro recently, and honestly, I felt like it didn’t hold up. It felt like the objective was to get all of the gems, but there was no reward for getting gems. And maybe because it was a kids game, I just felt like it was way too easy. You could basically just walk to the end of each level, skip any gems and dragons that weren’t in the main path to the exit of the level, and finish the game in a couple of hours. I also felt like the level design was kind of wonky. Like, there were paths where you would follow to a dead end just to get gems, and there was nothing else there. That’s fine if that happens a couple of times in the game, but it was like this like 4 or 5 time per level.
Spyro 2 was a huge improvement to this formula, because you use the gems to buy upgrades and unlock new paths, or pay the dude to let you use the elevator and such. It made getting gems - and therefore the rest of the game - feel a lot less pointless.
Fallout. I’m yet to play the second part and people say it’s even better. You just don’t see such game design anymore, I can’t say modern or old one is better, both have their advantages but playing Fallout was totally worth it
If you loved it, you must play 2! It’s so good.
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Heroes of Might and Magic III !!!
A great choice as well! Both are my favorites from the series, but 2 is the one that I got to play first as a kid.
Donkey Kong Country 2