ahhh yes the dictatorship of a new dictartor every 4 years. in duckduckgo theres a feature to get a defination. type “define dictatorship” and see the difference between dictatorship and democracy.
the US isnt a democracy elections are decided by superPACs and 43 presidents have had european royal anscestry. its the exact same power structure, rich landowning fucks at the top. they literally dictate everything, as an oligarchy
i beg to differ, guns help to prevent dictatorships and being forcibly occupied by one.
Let me know when you use your gun to stop the current dictatorship
google has the same thing if your into that
ahhh yes the dictatorship of a new dictartor every 4 years. in duckduckgo theres a feature to get a defination. type “define dictatorship” and see the difference between dictatorship and democracy.
the US isnt a democracy elections are decided by superPACs and 43 presidents have had european royal anscestry. its the exact same power structure, rich landowning fucks at the top. they literally dictate everything, as an oligarchy