mmmh… I’m from a poor south american country and my hard disk broke like three years ago and I’ve been running Debian in a SD card since then. I remember trying Manjaro but it didn’t let me install the system on the SD. Thanks to Linux I’m currently able to work from home. I would had to ask my boss a computer if not and it would be a Windows machine

Source :

  • Helix
    103 years ago

    What happened to all the initiatives bringing computers to poor countries?

    • poVoq
      3 years ago

      They still happen here and there, but actually in this case (Chinese) capitalism proofed to be the better driver of change and such devices have become affordable even in poor countries. But the newish RasberryPI 400 would be probably better for work; just needs a screen.

    3 years ago

    This kind of difficulties use to happen when you try to deal with an ethical replacement with low resources.

    During the gross part of the pandemic, I was studying WebDev and my graphical card of the tower got broken.

    I had to deal with a low-spec laptop in the resource hungry nonfree Goolag Meet daily meeting, having NetBeans open and test things in Apache Tomcat at the same time. Dealing with hard moments mostly because of the meeting resources use even with a more low-resource usage replacement for Tomcat (Payara which takes less resources at boot time of the WebApp).

    Just because the computer from the school would have had the same limitations as with this guy and I wouldnt have been able to replace the OS by the limited time and restrictions imposed.

    You dont need exactly be from poor country.

  • poVoq
    43 years ago

    At least Manjaro ARM can be installed on SD cards though.