Forking and modifying lemmy to allow ads will revoke the license? according to AGPLv3.0, you still can use the code for commercial purposes.

Please clarify.

    3 years ago

    Don’t confuse and read the terms of the AGPLv3.

    Commercial != or ~ Closed Source

    The derivatives (every modification) must be under the same license and if you run it in a server (as specified by the AGPLv3) you must publish the source code under that license included the changes as it counts as distribution (in the end AGPLv3 is just GPLv3 with a clause that makes running software in server side a distribution).

    Then, replying to your question, yes, you can do such changes.

    • @jay91@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      This only a thought, i’m not sure i will implement it. I’m just looking at all the options in case the donations were not enough to run my server. i know its cheap, and $5 a month can be handled but i’m looking to the future as i’m targeting a big audience.