Hopefully there’s light mode
Hopefully there’s light mode
Disable Ublock filters - Quick Fixes
You can disable the ai in settings.
flipboard the everything app?
I’m using rdx. It scrapes old.reddit.com for the results, so it doesn’t need the api.
I’m there for certain communities that aren’t active here. I still don’t use the official client though, it’s horrible
This is not a shower thought.
I like having slightly more free time.
It’s probably less about the legal consquences of people’s actions, and more about the maintaining the rules and guidelines of communities / instances. Sure, it’s visible if you explicitly go looking for it, but no one’s going to be browsing Lemmy exclusively through the modlogs.
Also there’s far less trolls on help posts and people looking for a disagreement or a joke.
I like to listen to dodie sometimes
What about it?