I was wondering why Marxism was still a thing and this placed seemed to be filled with Marxists. So, why? Didn’t the fall of USSR teach us anything? Do today’s Marxists think that USSR did something wrong? In other words, will they do anything different than the dictators of the soviet union? Also, some here seem to admire Stalin. I would really have to try hard to find a community that would admire Hitler but apparently admiring Stalin, another mass murder seems to be perfectly fine!

  • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
    -42 years ago

    Let’s not sugar coat the Soviet Union, though. While it had its upsides, it was riddled with corruption and brutally oppressive towards its own people. Dissent that it is considered healthy in the West was grounds for imprisonment there. This is not some fiction cooked up by the West, but a reality acknowledged by modern Russia itself (with some irony, given the sanitized political/media landscape).