    62 years ago

    Living in a country that isn’t from Europe or US, and having better internet access just recently from 2015, the feeling of “I’m always late/out of the party” felt very often but not so weird either, like I’m very used to feel about this.

    So when there is something trending, I don’t quite realize that I can be part of it. I just let it pass and when someone refers to it some time in the future, I tell it “oh yea that was a thing ‘they’ do”.

    Basically, the ‘they’ character often I encounter because I never feel like I’m part of them or anything. But it’s not that I feel it sad or anything, I’m used to this feeling. And not that I’m a typical person who wants to always follow the latest trend.

    • FirstOP
      12 years ago

      I was living in tge poor side of Europe which not many people had internet but if you were lucky you could steal internet from your neighbors

    • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Hahahaha, similar situation here.

      But I got internet connection at home in 2015, not just a better one.

  • @snek_boi@lemmy.ml
    52 years ago

    A bit of nostalgia (even though I didn’t live it); it feels more like a bunch if hobby projects on display, or a conversation among friends, rather than an optimized attention-grabbing machine.

    But also, the internet was ugly af back then, so…

  • @Penguin_Rocket@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I was born in 2000s. I have sometimes this feeling like: “waw, it looks like Internet was great at this time, no tracking, real anonymity, no attention economy…”. But Internet is still great: we have better and easier means to do what we want to do. People are more aware of dangers of Internet. If shit occurs often on Internet it’s because it’s just a mean and the real problem is human behaviour. I don’t want to fall in the nostalgic trap. I don’t want to say myself: “everything good was already done, now we have just shit”, because it would prevent me and my generation to create and fix the different problems we face.

  • @iortega
    22 years ago

    I’m a little older than that, but, regarding technology related threads: I imagine genius greybeards talking to each other after taking a break from hardware hacking an cold computer. I think I associate this image with a meme I saw a long time ago showing, supposedly, a fat gentoo user on the floor opening a computer.

  • m-p{3} ⛔
    22 years ago

    I don’t find myself that old and I was chatting on IRC in 1995. Ahhh the dialup days, we have it so easy today.

      • m-p{3} ⛔
        22 years ago

        It was a simpler time. Not easier, but it was more work to put out your opinion online.

        Nowaday, social media is mostly just a verbal diarrhea on the Internet.