If it’s referenced in the early seasons of The Simpsons, it is timeless.
I never thought of it in velvet. That adds a whole new dimension to it.
Always velvet, baby 👉
It’s gotta be velvet yo
My grandpa had this exact print hanging in his garage. I always loved it, wonder where it went…
Great for a well placed reference in a show or comic.
Fallout: New Vegas also had a reference to this in the Old World Blues DLC
Serious Sam: TSE has a secret with it too, and they are like 10+ years apart.
But just for boomers and maybe Gen X?
This is what we had instead of memes.
Maybe? Gen X and I’m all over this. XD
I have a poster like this, but they are playing magic the gathering.
Titled “A Friend in Need”
deleted by creator
My family has had many dogs over the years. I’ve always wanted to have one of these made with each depicted, but they’re playing Uno.
My brother had this hanging in our room when we were kids lol.
The background was green though.
This, along with velvet Elvises (Elvii??) are peak art.
Edit: Autocarrot doesn’t like elvii.
That’s because Elvises is correct. And yes, velvet Elvises too.
One Elvis, two Elvīs.
How would you pronounce that?
Unless they are different Elvises, then it’s Elvi. Presley, Costello
As a Latinist, neither do I. It should be third declension, so the plural would be Elvēs.
need at least two to be plural
I fixed it just for you. For no one else.
Lest we forget velvet Selleck
I was hoping this was the link and I was not disappointed.
Not extinct anymore
Just one more day and it would have been gone forever.
I’m always hoping to find an old one at a flea market or yard sale. It’d be my most prized possession. Edit: Gen X, just to add context.
I’d gladly have it in mine, gen y
Somewhere in storage I have a tapestry of dogs playing pool.
I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking, but the game Psychonauts from 2002 has a reference to this kind of thing.
In one of the minds you go into, there are a group of dog characters that represent that person’s subconscious psyche. After you finish the level, you can go back and find the character who’s mind you’re in playing poker with his subconscious dogs. The level is even called Black Velvetopia, and the character is looking for certain playing cards.