I’ve never been a “no tux no bux” person, but I have to admit that I am a little worried about possible over-reliance on Proton in the years ahead.

I’d like to support more Linux native games, but so many of them have ports so awful that there’s no reason not to use WINE anyway. Whether they be actually broken, slow due to OpenGL, or just generally wonky…there’s a lot of shitty ports out there. So I’m curious: what ones are particularly polished or impressive?

  • Helix 🧬B
    72 years ago

    Feral is a good porting company, they for example ported the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy (2013 onwards). Some of my favourite games!

    Portal and Portal 2 run very well on Linux, too.

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    62 years ago

    Paradox Development Studio releases its games natively on day 0. They actually run much smoother than the corresponding Windows version.

    • @Whom@lemmy.mlOP
      82 years ago

      Valve games do have pretty good ones! I’ve had mixed results with the new Vulkan options they introduced…they’re typically faster than the OpenGL versions but are more prone to crashes and such.

    • furrulante
      02 years ago

      Personally, I had better experience with the proton version than with native.

  • @angarabebesi@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Pathfinder Kingmaker had a very good Linux native port. Unfortunately it uses OpenGL instead of Vulkan.

    This is a general problem with ports older than a few years, no matter how good they are, anything pre-Vulkan simply can’t compete with wine+dxvk (proton) of its Windows version.