• @Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
    233 years ago

    There’s no way to make a meme against a group or in support of an ideology without stripping away all the nuance and dehumanizing people. Many of the articles that are posted here are misleading and in some cases entirely untrue.

    Yesterday, I down voted an article claiming “AP confirms no Uyghur genocide”. I read the cited AP article and found the post’s click bait title was completely false. The post’s author is pointing at a report that contradicts his beliefs and claiming that his beliefs are therefore correct because the article is lieing. It is fine to refute an article, but to twist an article’s words and then claim that the source says something it clearly doesn’t is just dishonest.

    I believe misleading and dehumanizing posts should be downvoted in order to promote a space where diverse peoples can all feel welcome.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      What is your opinion on the McCarthyism and dehumanisation of Western media outlets regarding China and COVID? Is that fair? Also do you not find it contradicting that USA delisted East Turkestan Islamic Movement (with strong Al Qaeda links) from terrorist organisation list before Trump’s term was over, and has admitted that it has funded all these Uyghur separatist mouthpieces since 2004?

      Also, would you like to debate about the so called Uyghur genocide with an informed Indian?

      Waiting for the Sinophobes and anti socialists to downvote me to oblivion instead of debating me… 5 minutes 1 downvote

      • @Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        My comment is only specifically critical of that one post on Lemmy, I did not indicate support or condemnation of China or the west. You’re reading between the lines and tilting at windmills my friend.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          I down voted an article claiming “AP confirms no Uyghur genocide”

          I am reading your lines and calling out specifically that. There are no metaphorical windmills here, only the McCarthyism getting an iron grip on you, as Western propaganda shapes global public opinion funded by the Military Industrial Complex contractors that directly benefit from warmongering and weapon selling.

          Edit: I find the downvote comical. I also find it very comical that all the “Chinese propaganda” accusers go back to hiding in their caves after dog whistling, and avoid fact based intellectual debating. Western boogeyman brainwashing psyops works really well on all of these ideal model citizens of Western dystopia.

          • Ora
            93 years ago

            You’re missing the point. The misinformation was that the AP didn’t make that claim. It was not about whether the claim was true or not.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
              -53 years ago

              And? There is no genocide going on. But if US funded extremists were allowed to have their way, a cultural and physical genocide will actually happen.