I wonder why devs need to work on multiple different environments. I only have (user)experience with KDE and GNOME but what’s the difference between them?

  • It’s not the default layout, you could ship another default version
  • goals can be to maximize customizability (features) while minimizing ressources. Or the other way round. (Or simplicity)
  • is it because devs like different frameworks (qt, gtk)? Or language?
  • @pH3ra@lemmy.ml
    43 years ago

    Everything in the linux world is about giving multiple choices, so the user can try and pick whatever suits best for him/her/*. DEs make a fair impact on workflows, so if you’re a designer, programmer, whatever, for sure there is one out there that meets your criteria. And if it doesn’t you can always tweak it to your will, as the crazy people in !unixporn@lemmy.ml do

      • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Sure it is, you use what you like, developers develop what they like, Businesses build what they think their users like etc. It just boils down to different tastes and visions.

  • @vi21@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Until 1999, Qt was proprietary software. GNOME was started as a free/open/libre alternative. In 1995-1997, we had Fvwm and LessTif, but IMO they looked from the 80s.

    If GTK wasn’t released in 1998, perhaps Qt would still be proprietary software. If corporates and people abandon GTK, perhaps Qt will become fully proprietary software again.

    So I suppose having one DE is too risk for the whole eco-system. Unlike Microsoft or Apple, we are not one company.

    • Delika
      3 years ago

      If GTK wasn’t released in 1998, perhaps Qt would still be proprietary software. If corporates and people abandon GTK, perhaps Qt will become fully proprietary software again.

      It’s what we call fork time.

  • @fleurc@lemmy.ml
    43 years ago

    DE is the shell, the difference between them is this:

    Development rules, Development philosophies, Language made in, Purpose of creation, and the differing features.

    KDE can be highly customizable, to the point you could make it look like Gnome, but it’ll never run nor be Gnome. Gnome is more closed off, any customization is reliant on extensions. LXQT allows you a more windows XP look without customization to the level of KDE, but you have more modularity with certain parts of it. XFCE can have plugins to Thunar, and the desktop of xfdesktop, all panels are custimzable to look more like what you want too, but there’s not that giant variety of Themes, unlike KDE.

    On the terms of philosophy: You can’t just yank a project to a direction you want, you will either Fork that (making another DE) or you will make your own DE to make it so you’ll command the direction and philosophy. This is the most complete answer you’re ever going to get without having a multiple page essay

    • Display NameOP
      23 years ago

      I’m not sure if I like this answer. It basically boils down to, everyone wants to cook his own soup.

      If you want to have it less customizable, you can build on the same fundament but don’t enable the functionality.

  • SudoDnfDashY
    13 years ago

    A DE is a collection of a bunch of apps. Its the shell, window manager and apps. These all can be made by different people, with different frameworks, appearance, and resource usage.

    • @EruditeOwl@fapsi.be
      -33 years ago

      What a shitty answer, all those apps can be installed completely without the desktop environment. It’s just more practical to do it directly with all those packages

      • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
        23 years ago

        I never said you could not.

        I tell you what is a complete definition of what a Desktop Environment is.

        You could prefetly just install the Shell and the WM.