The repository in question:
All it has is a file and they want 8€ for anyone to use this app. I mean, sure, but why host something like this on github? Or am I missing something?
I’d also assume there’s some sort of payment check in the binary, meaning they just use GitHub as free hosting.
OpenSource isn’t neccesary free to use, less if have some inherent costs. F.Exmpl. ProtonVPN and ProtonMail are OpenSource, but only with limited free versions (freemium), because server cost money. Same with other OSS. Also is legit, if the dev like to buy food sometimes and pay his bills, OpenSource not means that it’s only made because the love to do so. There are a lot of OSS freemium and also paid out there.
The issue here is not that the binaries cost money, this is reasonable and has been employed by many softwares like asprite.
Here they are leeching off github’s free file hosting to distribute paid, closed source software
GitHub is M$, don’t forget, even Google OpenSource Repo is better. GitHub itself is freemium proprietary soft. More and more devs prefer GitLab or Gitea
I’m actually a big fan of a similar project. The Github hosts scripts but you need a loader to run them. Loader costs money and is given to Patreon subs.
It’s easily cheatable, but in the spirit of helping the author, most people don’t cheat the system.
Yes but there is nothing open source here
GitHub does not forbid proprietary software. Just because something is on GitHub doesn’t mean it’s Libre. Check for a license.
Sure, something like this could be Libre (they aren’t required to give source code to the public, only to their users) but I see no indication that it is.
- There is a payment checker in the code
- The uploader doesn’t know how FOSS works
Or you don’t know that there are methods to publish your code but not license it under a FOSS license.
The repo in question is simply using Github’s bandwidth. Nothing wrong there.