Hi there, looking for an alternative to news.google.com that just simply isn’t a Google product. I know it’s not open source per say, but just curious.

  • poudlardo
    3 years ago

    What about creating your newsfeed by getting some rss feed in a reader ? You could then get updated by your main sources

    • down daemon
      3 years ago

      yeah rss is great, esp if you can sync it with devices, like nextcloud reader or tt-rss

      also if a site doesn’t have an obvious rss feed, open the source with f12 and search for rss or atom

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
      43 years ago

      Happy to see RSS coming back. I remember when twitter got popular that people were worried it would replace RSS with a centralized service.

  • On my phone i use feeder ( android, not sure if it is on ios ). On my computer I use newspaper3k ( https://newspaper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) – I built out some additional summary tools and nltk tools that allow me to find article on similar topic from sources with different bias + some named entity extraction that easily joins into dbpedia. I intend to contribute the additional features I’ve added but haven’t done so yet as the code is rough.

    • @ree@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      I’ve been thinking about using nlp to deal with my feeds.

      Are you happy with your solution ? Can you share a bit more about your pipeline?

      • @ProfessorYakkington@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        I am not happy with it yet but that is because I want it to be perfect and it never will be but I do find that I engage with content at a larger scale and more varied than I do when I go to a single source. I am using the nltk features from newspaper for key word extraction + the trending sources to monitor a few hundred sources. Currently I store all the meta data + links ( urls ) + wikipedia links in a pandas dataframe ( which is becoming a problem ) and visualize trends and data about news in a jupyter notebook. For the enhanced summaries + named entity extraction I am using spacy (https://spacy.io/) from there I use SPARQL ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARQL ) to query dbpedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBpedia) to augment entity knowledge ( ex: adding data about the size , industry of a company or summary explanations of scientific concepts, etc ). The named entity matching and augmentation is the portion that needs the most work. Newspaper has some nice caching features so I query all sources everyday but only pull in new articles.

        I might play around with moving portions of the data into a graph db and some better ways to query based on concepts. Right now I just write python code to query the pandas DB based on different parameters.

        Are you happy with your solution ? Can you share a bit more about your pipeline?

        • @ree@lemmy.ml
          33 years ago

          Wow that’s quite developed.

          So you consume content in a jupyter notebook? Or you’re interfacing this with a RSS reader?

          From what I read the next step is to run it in a real database.

          • I consume analytics and identify topics I am interested in via jupyter sometimes i just use ipython if I don’t want to leave the terminal – I need to build more of a frontend but I’ve not got there yet. I mostly read the articles in the terminal. And yup my plan is to find a good db but I am not sure what to use yet.

            • @ree@lemmy.ml
              33 years ago

              You could probably repackages your upgraded feed into a RSS format that you serve locally. But that can be more hassle than it may worth.

              Thanks for the info it encouraged me to try that sometime :)

    • jhghjb (he/they)
      13 years ago

      don’t use brave search, it’s developed by crypto-fascists. use a hate-combating search engine like google and duckduckgo

      • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Of course Brave is bad. But if Google isn’t crypto-fascist, i don’t know what is. They are an integral part of the military industrial complex and are very cozy with governments worldwide. They are also working on the “technopolice” and promoting AI with all of its shortcomings and biases. About search results, specifically, they are based on a secret ranking sauce privileging bad-quality content… i don’t know about english language result, but whatever political topic you lookup for, neo-fascist conspiracy websites (égalité et réconciliation, fdesouche…) are always in the top5 results. How could you defend them?

        DuckDuckGo is just a meta-engine and stores little information. Whatever appears in Bing (and maybe others) is what will appear in DuckDuckGo.

      • @BXM1X9UyZ588Yb7Ebgv@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        And if you don’t want your searches to be tracked by Google, Whoogle is an alternative front-end to access Google Search.

        https : / / github (dot) com / kroy94 / whoogle-search

        Description: Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Easily deployable in one click as a Docker app, and customizable with a single config file. Quick and simple to implement as a primary search engine replacement on both desktop and mobile.

        You may notice some features are lacking in Whoogle that you would find in Google Search, but for some people it’s probably good enough. Whoogle Search includes Google News(as a tab) on the bottom of the search bar after you type in a query and press enter.

        Searx is a privacy respecting metasearch engine. You can also search for news there.

        Github: https : / / github (dot) com / searx / searx

        Searx Instances: https : / / searx (dot) space

        Searx Instances(onion link): http : / / searxspbitokayvkhzhsnljde7rqmn7rvoga6e4waeub3h7ug3nghoad(dot)onion/

        Disclaimer: It is probably not a good idea to self-host Whoogle/Searx, since it is obvious the traffic to Google/some other non-privacy respecting search engine operator is from one person. But depending on your threat model maybe it can work.

      • @Lemmingsya@lemmy.ml
        03 years ago

        A privacy forum where you get told to use google because it does a better job with censoring? Good job guys… I’m out… Have fun with your quality news…

  • m-p{3} ⛔
    3 years ago

    I often go on skimfeed.com just because it agregates a lot of different feeds. I mainly depend on Inoreader (which isn’t open-source) to keep an eye on several RSS feeds, but you could host your own RSS feed aggregator like FreshRSS to keep your reading history in sync across devices. I just didn’t want to bother with it.

  • @eyeballkid@lemmy.ml
    43 years ago

    For RSS, there are plenty of open-source options to choose from. Flym is a nice option for android. I personally use newsboat pointed to a terminal browser on my laptop, but that’s mainly due to my focus on text-based news consumption. I’m sure that there are much more traditional options out there.

  • Vegafjord eo
    43 years ago

    I believe we just have to get used to finding our news by ourselves. Through RSS, bookmarks and good synchronization and integration solutions.

  • @l2Al2E@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago

    I use lire on iOS. I’m not sure if it’s on android. Very easy setup for RSS reads in my opinion.

      • down daemon
        3 years ago

        i’m a news junkie with a journalism degree and there’s really not many options, even google had law trouble with their news, i doubt an indie crawler would do well

    • ᗪᗩᗰᑎ
      73 years ago

      Yikes! I took a look at the comments on gab and it seems to be overrun by backwoods hillbilly nutjobs. No thanks.

    • jhghjb (he/they)
      3 years ago

      gab is a free speech website, you should refrain from posting it here. otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote

      • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Honest question: do you have good radical resources on “free speech” vs “free hate”? Not so long ago “free speech” was interpreted as freedom to challenge systems of oppression through speech and that used to be a foundational basis of revolutionary antiracist/antisexist/anticapitalist movements to advertise for free speech because if the State gets to decide what you can say, and they’re the ones promoting and benefiting from all systems of domination, then we’re fucked.

        Of course, the “right to free speech” was very rarely interpreted in favor of anti-domination movements and that gave many political trials. I’m in favor of strong moderation myself and apply strict no-reactionary policies on the spaces i moderate, but i find it strange on a political forum like this one to see “free speech” equated with reactionary views. If the State controls what you can think and say, it’s not nazis that are gonna have a bad time (see Don’t ask, don’t tell, Mccarthyism, etc…)

    • seahorse
      -13 years ago

      I just downvoted your comment.


      What does this mean?

      The amount of karma (points) on your comment has decreased by one.

      Why did you do this?

      There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

      • ⁠Rudeness towards other Lemmy users, • ⁠Spreading incorrect information, • ⁠Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.

      Am I banned from Lemmy?

      No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote.

      I don’t believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

      Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Lemmy PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

      How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

      Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Lemmy. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct.

      • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
        03 years ago

        Obviously this community does not allow free speech To the user’s question for an expressly **OpenSource **alternative to Google News, I have thanked another user’s alternative of using RSS, considering it the best option. But also to help I have bothered to look for an OpenSource alternative to Google News and the only thing that corresponds to this criterion was Gab that most coincided with it, already independent of the evaluation that the user who was looking for it can give, which I do not know. If this here gives me bad Karma, I can only say goodbye to this community, may you do well with your Karma. Greetings, bye

        • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
          13 years ago

          Hi, where’s the source for gab? I hate nazis but if they have developed a good piece of software i’d be tempted to fork it. Usually it goes the other way around with nazis forking lemmy/postmill/mastodon… I don’t think that website is “open source” at all, even less so “free software”. It’s just a centralized platform like any other spurring proto-fascist disinformation. I’ll pass :)

          In the french speaking world we have mediaslibres.org, a simple planet taking RSS feeds from all autonomous news website. It’s the only source of information i find reliable because it’s moderated by non-profit communities and all information comes “from the ground” not from ivory towers. I dont know yet of an english speaking equivalent.