ı think Lemmy and Mastodon

  • Mobocratic Egoist
    53 years ago

    I use Mastodon most regularly and Lemmy second. So far I haven’t seen a lot of good content on PeerTube.

    • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Actually the content on PeerTube is improving lately with more quality videos. A major current problem is that federation between PeerTube servers is low. Sometimes for understandable reasons. As a consequence the user often has to rely on something like Sepia Search to find content.

  • @LemonWedge@lemmy.ml
    43 years ago

    I really enjoy Matrix at the moment. It’s got quite a large community and there’s a channel for everything.

      • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        I’ve wondered more than once: why would “fediverse” only designate the ActivityPub ecosystem? The word does not convey this meaning, and there’s a growing numbers of gateways between ActivityPub and other federated platforms (eg. XMPP).

        • Tmpod
          03 years ago

          I’d argue he’s not. A fediverse is any network of federated instances that are able to communicate with each other. AP is a way of achieving that, but there are plenty other federation protocols.

          • wakestM
            13 years ago

            The fediverse was a term that started colloquially between users before the space had a name for itself. There were a handful of servers running the Laconica software about 13 years ago, the servers were federating with a protocol called OStatus. Laconica morphed into StatusNet which became GNU Social (who only recently added support for ActivityPub)

            Things that are not part of the fediverse and never have been but are federated (and could be called universes of their own): XMPP, Email, Matrix, Pump, Tent and Diaspora but this one has some edge cases that make the situation more complicated.

      • @chiefstorm@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        I guess I got lucky and met some cool people there early on, I can send you a couple of good feeds to follow if you want. So, the only contacts I have post really cool and interesting things. oh and if anyone something remotely political, I immediately ignore them. Diaspora is sort of a vestige for me, back to what the internet used to be, free sharing of information, and nothing political at all haha

    • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      I’m only discussing instances here that have quality content. TILvids is big and it has quality content but it doesn’t federate with any other instance which kind of defeats the purpose of PeerTube. Better would be to join a PeerTube instance that federates with a proper number of other instances and has good quality e.g diode.zone.

      • Kinetix
        13 years ago

        I’ve been learning more lately about what ‘not federating’ means (for PT specifically)- and even with PT’s latest release, the lines of federating/not federating seem to be getting blurrier.

        Prior to 3.4, it seems (based on my limited recent experience with tilvids) that a user on one peertube instance could subscribe to the channel of another instance, including channels on tilvids, regardless of federation policy of the remote side.

        As of 3.4, with the “Subscribe as an instance to a channel or an account” feature addition/change, it sounds like as an instance we can add in/subscribe to accounts or channels directly regardless of the federation policy on the other end.

        So, even though TILVids has some interesting, though imho tenuous, reasons behind not federating (as per my tiny discussion with them this week https://mycrowd.ca/notice/AB9ipJe5GLEHbQmv9k ), those reasons seem to pretty much be blown out the window as we can all subscribe to channels there and apparently now accounts as well (at least instance-wide, will have to test from the user level).

        Kind of interesting and odd at the same time, don’t you think?

  • @spla@lemmy.cat
    03 years ago

    Do you count Lemmy as part of fediverse? it’s not federating (yet?) with Mastodon, Pleroma, whatever

    • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      According to the Fediverse definition it is. The definition is: ‘… able to communicate over the boundaries of the instances because the software running on the servers supports one or more communication protocols which follow an open standard’. These open standards are: ActivityPub, Diaspora Network, OStatus and Zot.

      • @spla@lemmy.cat
        03 years ago

        Right but Lemmy is not federating with the known fediverse yet so I call it lemmyverse

        • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
          13 years ago

          Fediverse is just any software that federates, not necessarily with ActiviyPub. Using “Fediverse” to mean ActivityPub only is a misuse of the term.