My mom has a business and mostly uses Windows and Mac OS X; I mentioned Linux because it could help save money.

She is unfamiliar with Linux though; I gave her some basic introduction (uncertain if it’s any good, but sure), but I would like to be able to ease her into Linux if she prefers it.

  • mekhos
    183 years ago

    “Linux, this is Mom, shes looking to adopt you so you be nice Okay?” “Mom, this is Linux”

  • Jay Baker (he/they)
    153 years ago

    I’d suggest something like Linux Mint for someone switching over - but rather than me make assumptions about what she’s used before, I usually recommend as a nice starting point to help choose.

    103 years ago

    Install ElementaryOS on an old laptop, and let her use it.

    She runs a business, so sell the ‘free, but used by lots of people’ standpoint, hard.

      53 years ago

      I like ElementaryOS as well, but there is one big downside in my opinion that makes it less user friendly and that is that it does not officially support upgrading between major versions (e.g. 5.1 to 6.0). You have to either mess with repositories on the terminal and hope for the best or you have to do a complete reinstall. So if you install Elementary OS, make sure to create a separate /home partition so you can perform a major upgrade without loosing too much data.

      Otherwise, I believe that Elementary OS is quite nice. Although I had to help them at first by pointing out where the application menu is and to help them install LibreOffice (they were already used to it on Windows and it apparently did not show up in the App Centre), they mostly seem to be able to use it themselves with the same amount of assistance required as while using WIndows.

    83 years ago

    People need to experience something before they can ascertain if it is a viable option. Install Ubuntu or Linux Mint on a secondary device, let her see how familiar it is to her.

    Then you can explain some of the other advantages of using Linux.

      23 years ago

      Seconding this! I’ve had the best success by using Linux to revive people’s old laptops that just couldn’t run other modern OSes fast enough, and if they’ve been impressed enough, they’ve ended up installing it on their other devices. Even if not (say, if it didn’t support some applications required for work, for example), they’ve usually at least kept it on said laptop.

    83 years ago

    I think you should pick a good desktop OS like Linux Mint, and install it and just put it in front of her.

    I would avoid complex presentations about what Linux is and stuff like that because that can introduce all kinds of nuances that aren’t strictly necessary to know, which can scare people away.

    • AmiceseOP
      23 years ago

      I was thinking Elementary OS since the DE is similar to MacOS and Windows, but I agree with you.

    73 years ago

    A decade ago, when my moms laptop stopped working, I installed Fedora on it and set everything up for her, and she loved using it for years until my dad got her a mac 🙄

    Now her mac is deprecated and I’m sure that fedora laptop still works just fine lol

      53 years ago

      Yes… I think that’s probably the solution : find an old laptop, and flash something user-friendly onto it. Make sure it’s got LibreOffice, a browser and an email client (if that’s her thing).

        53 years ago

        This is the solution. Also use a distro that doesn’t need 3gb updates every week. Those tend to be annoying for casual users.

      • AmiceseOP
        43 years ago

        and flash something user-friendly onto it.

        Which distro should I use? I was thinking of using Ubuntu.

          • AmiceseOP
            13 years ago

            That’s what I was thinking too. Ubuntu also has the most support, if I remember correctly.

            P.S How do you post on one instance with an account in another instance?

          23 years ago

          I think Fedora is just as user friendly, but better than Ubuntu. But, yeah, I know Ubuntu is popular ( I just don’t like it).

          • AmiceseOP
            13 years ago

            I was thinking the same thing. I just wasn’t certain until now.

  • Helix 🧬B
    73 years ago

    My mom has a business and mostly uses Windows and Mac OS X

    Do all her applications run on Linux? If not, please don’t switch. She makes money with that. Money > ideology if you can’t afford losing it ;)

  • Vostronix
    53 years ago

    My grandmother was completely happy with elementary because more user friendly and she just need a browser and office apps

    43 years ago
    1. Make GNU/Linux presentations to explain Debian itself.
    2. Buy the Debian Handbook and read it to her every night.
    3. Make her to memorize and practice the install procedure with gnome-core as main desktop dependency.
    3 years ago
    • Show here the benefits and explain the benefits of FOSS to her. I would not only pull the money argument, also the security and usability factor should play a role.
    • Show here examples.
    • Find weak spots, aka problematic software and show here alternatives which run on every OS e.g. Jami over MS Teams and so on. Help here pre-install necessarily programs.
    • Run a test for a month before you come to a final conclusion.
  • Sagar Acharya
    3 years ago

    I recommend Trisquel. Use plasma DE for sure, it provides amazing user experience. Tell her to not expect things exactly like those of Windows or Mac and learn till she becomes comfortable. Initially she’ll struggle, later she won’t even think of using Windows or Mac.

      43 years ago

      I recommend Trisquel.

      This is assuming her computer can run without any proprietary drivers. Trisquel uses the Linux-libre kernel, so some stuff like WiFi may not work. But if it’s just a desktop workstation that connects to Ethernet, she should have no problem.

    3 years ago

    Well, first of all, is it worthy? If she uses photoshop and stuff like that, maybe she just can’t switch / it’s just not worthy. If she uses excel, it’s only getting used to libreoffice. If she uses stuff on browsers, well she can switch easily. If she’s in the second or third category, just say this things: free, open source, fuck microsoft/apple/google, no viruses, it can run even on toaster, I always used it and never had problems (don’t laugh while saying this), r/unixporn, active community and more stuff that I can’t think of rn. If you’re lucky at this point she’ll want to switch and then just guide her in the distro choose.

    23 years ago

    She can test out different distros in her browser on

    Really though, if she’s just gonna use it for text processing, web browsing and emailing it’s more about the DE than the distro.

    Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Elementary, Fedora… should all be good choices.

    I think it’s most important to teach her about the differences, no more exes, but instead repo, debs, appimages, flatpaks, and stuff like that. Watching those recent Linus videos might give you good insight in what differences might confuse her.