Most people from my circle use mainstream apps and see me as that “alternative” weirdo/geek.

Most alternative options are being used by geeks and males quite often. Its hard to find normies here.

Do you think there will be a shift in perception?

    163 years ago

    People intuitively understand you when you say you try to go to locally-owned co-ops/farmers markets instead of Walmart when you can, right? Or that you prefer to avoid Amazon and support your local independent bookshop, right? It’s actually cool to care about these things, people respect you when you make little rebellious political decisions.

    My advice is frame your decisions about what apps to use the same way. “I try not to use the big corporate-owned apps when there are smaller non-profit alternatives run by communities of normal people.” Now you’re not some paranoid weirdo who’s afraid the NSA is out to get him, you’re just socially-conscious and care about things like where your time and money is going. I almost never try to explain what “open source” is or anything like that.

    A girl on a first date once asked me what messaging apps I used and I said something like “My friends and I have been using this smaller non-profit app, it has all the same features as Messenger but without all the Zuckerberg bullshit.” and she downloaded it right then and there, thought it was cool.

    3 years ago

    There will never be a shift in perception because people do not care. Normal mainstream people, I call this the middle society, the normal worker class, never use the best solution in terms of privacy or what might be ethical correct. This will never change, never. No matter how many leaks, no matter if media is all over it, people do not care.

    Education plays a major role, lots of people are uneducated when it comes to technology.

    Also, please stop calling people weirdos or normies, if you want that someone should take this question serious.

    Some people also have other interest, a trucker in his truck who is constantly under time pressure has less time to chill his life in a forum and do a philosophy talk about this and that. It is an oversimplified example, not a generalization, but reflects society pretty much.

  • aedalla
    63 years ago

    Counter-question, how do I deal with this AND being a woman from a caring/interpersonal profession instead of a primarily IT/CS one? (My childhood was very CS/STEM heavy, but I broke away from the rest of the family in this regard).

    I’m kidding I already know: I’m trying to build up and contribute to the communities I want to see here, namely private spaces for people to vent about their Healthcare jobs and mental health concerns, and a place for people to look at memes, especially anticapitalist and otherwise non-conforming ones.

    53 years ago

    I use Signal/Linux/modded versions of Instagram/other proprietary apps and don’t get seen as the “alternative” weirdo because I can clearly explain why I use these things.

    53 years ago

    At least in my circles and where I live it’s pretty normal to shit on mainstream apps. Most people still use them, but if my opinion of those platforms comes up I never feel judged. In fact, since the social dilemma came out and after Facebook’s most recent controversies and name change I’ve heard more and more people speaking poorly of social-media, smart phones, and algorithms in general.

    In my experience it’s almost as if using social-media is perceived the same as smoking was in the 80s-90s: everyone knows it’s terrible for you, but it’s normal. Now, in conversation there’s almost a prestige in saying “I don’t use Facebook” that causes people who do use Facebook to immediately justify using it by saying things like “Yeah, I only use it to keep in touch with family”, or “I don’t check it very often”.

    Many of my friends and family half-joke about their addiction to their phones and apps, it seems pretty widely recognized now.

    I don’t believe alternative apps, services, and platforms are necessarily better, so if I bring up the fediverse it’s usually in the context of me advocating for government forcing interoperability between social media sites to weaken the tech-giant oligopoly. Most people’s response is basically “huh, I didn’t even know that was possible”.

    For using Linux I used to catch flak from my friends when trying to play games with them, but we don’t play games nearly as often anymore and anything we do play generally works on Linux now, so I don’t get teased anymore. Amongst every single non-techie friend I have they could not possible care less that I use Linux.

    • Benjamin
      13 years ago

      Yeah I agree, almost everybody knows that big tech companies are selling and using their data to make profits, but the majority of this people don’t care enough about it, just like smoking, they know smoking is bad they just don’t have the knowledge/courage/will or whatever to change their habits.

    3 years ago

    Only half joking: Get tech savvy friends. Like, computer science/IT/infosec tech savvy, not Instagram and Twitter “tech savvy”. I’ve found that a lot of people in the tech field, especially those involved with FLOSS development or security are way more weary of “mainstream” consumer tech to the point of not wanting to use them.

    33 years ago

    be proud of it. When i order a meal in a restaurant i tell the waiter i use arch linux. When im done and he’s trying to count the handful of coins i’ve given him i tell him that the bank uses proprietary software and i do this out of respect for mine and his freedom and privacy

    23 years ago

    Another day where lemmy users get offended by normie even though your tone and whole post don’t come across as confrontational

    3 years ago

    I do not want to be the pessimist or no guy, and I want to reply in the flow of’s comment.

    You are right and wrong at the same time. Right, because you are right. But the wrong part stems from not realising the cause of why ordinary people are so stubborn or adamant.

    Firstly, the last sentence you say is very apt, and I appreciate this attitude. Never use normie or such terms that make people feel bad, just because they want to get shit done in life and have worse things to worry about.

    Secondly, this is my point. People are so passive and ignorant about the situation because they are not tech literate, and they are not made tech literate and self sufficient. Common Sense Internet Edition (a term I made myself and use) is something that needs to be installed into people’s brains. The inspiration for the term comes from antivirus suite softwares that people used to buy a lot, and still do for Windows PCs. People used to get these and still do the same things as before, instead of adopting good internet/computer habits.

    Computer habits are like sanitation habits in real life – wash your hands, use soap properly, wash hands before eating, clean earwax from ears, bathe daily, cut your hand and feet nails and so on. For a computer/phone, these become:

    • Do not open random URL links in emails and SMS anywhere.
    • Always check if website has HTTPS
    • Always crosscheck first few words of URL when doing electronic payments or banking transactions and see it is the same companies you want to deal via or with.
    • Do not click on ads.
    • Install uBlock Origin in your browsers on computer and phone
    • Install software from trusted sources, and prefer open source software

    And many more such habits, I could go on and teach a lot to people, just like I do threat modelling.

    Education and awareness are an unsolved hurdle since the desktop PC days and is the root of most problems today. Machines and software are quite secure, but if the user is uneducated, how many protection layers can you put? You cannot stuff up the airbags up to the throat of the driver in a car for security sakes. They have to drive the car as well and see through windshield properly.

    It seems like I missed OP’s post question quite a bit, so for that this is the answer. I do not care. I have a WhatsApp and Discord and I am reachable enough. People get puzzled when I tell them I do not have a Google account on my Android phone. I do not have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Messenger, Tiktok, any of that. I tell them I read and watch a lot and prefer peace instead of chaos. And it shows in anything they like to discuss. When I talk, everybody listens. And I earned that by not engaging in social media traps, and exchanging that with learning things and stuff.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    23 years ago

    My friends usually make jokes abut my needing 3h to launch a game (Not my fault I needed to compile a bunch of things) or my being “paranoic”. But I don’t care bc they do it an a friendly way and sometimes their jokes are funny.

  • 10_0
    23 years ago

    Use mainstream platforms as well as alternative platforms, I used Instagram for messaging friends and use alt platforms for scrolling and posting, IMO just own using different platforms to your friends, and tell your friends to use it as well. It can be more interesting to your friends if you have a genuine interest in the technologies and benefits of open-source. (Just don’t bore them to death)

  • @iortega
    3 years ago

    Well, I’m being marginalized on my “friend” group for not wanting to use facebook products or similar proprietary software. 😃. That’s how this alternative weirdo thing is working in my case. It hardens significantly this thing about making relationships, with or without the opposite sex, mostly because of this era in which we live where we should not be physically meeting with other people. I just smile 😃. So that’s how I deal with it.

  • Lionel C-R
    13 years ago

    I kind of feel like, I don’t think there will ever be a shift because the vast majority of people simply don’t care. No matter how much you show them there’s a better way they rather stick with the simpler way.

    I do think though that the situation can largely improve and that we are heading in the right direction, even if we are progressing slowly.

    That being said even though I know some of my friends and family do see me as the “alternative” one (and definitely a geek) I never felt like they saw me as a weirdo :)

  • sj_zero
    -13 years ago

    I think we can say from looking at the mainstream internet that we don’t want a shift in perception. Seems to me that the moment that the mainstream finds something, they’re going to intentionally or unintentionally break it. I would choose a few million weirdos who understand why we’re all here and to a few billion normies who want to come in and break my toys any day of the week.