• @MarcellusDrum@lemmy.mlOP
      1210 months ago

      Yeah I posted this 2 years ago. The way “Active” sorting works in Lemmy, is you see the posts with recent comments. Someone commented on this, pushing it back to the front page.

    • @Carter@feddit.uk
      1210 months ago

      Absolutely crazy how a 2 year old post can pop up sorting by hot. It is funny how relevant it is now though.

    • Altima NEO
      810 months ago

      Oh wtf, you opened my eyes here. Its interesting how these 2 year old comments are still relevant especially now.

    • @zabil@lemmy.world
      510 months ago

      All comments are 2 years old as well.

      There must have been a glitch. In time. 2 years have passed since we opened the comment page.

    • @OprahsedCreature@lemmy.ml
      103 years ago

      That might become an unfortunate but inevitable result of any English-language site that’s large enough, since by the numbers Americans make up a plurality (and possibly a majority) of the English-speaking world. It might be that the only counter to that is moderation and local site culture.

    • Altima NEO
      10 months ago

      I can understand why it would annoy people, but it always felt like it was targeted towards Americans in the first place. Especially with Reddit being an American based company.

      Holy heck, didnt realize this comment was 2 years old. Sorry for the necro!

      • @tias@discuss.tchncs.de
        910 months ago

        This is what annoys me most about Lemmy. It’s way too eager to pull up old posts. I also came in here forgetting to check the timestamp.

        • Altima NEO
          310 months ago

          Thats interesting. I didnt realize it does that. Gonna have to be careful

        • @Blizzard@lemmy.zip
          310 months ago

          Hey, this thread is about what annoys you the most about reddit, not lemmy!


          But seriously, perhaps it’s because there’s not that much content here yet so it’s pulling whatever it can.

      • @OprahsedCreature@lemmy.ml
        110 months ago

        Being one of the original commenters from way back when, I think you’ll find I’m not sorry for the necro :D

        I think some people will find this contentious but I always felt that Reddit’s 6 month policy was pretty arbitrary. Humanity has had arguments that have been resolved and resurrected or existed perpetually repeatedly over millennia (religion and forms of government are perfect examples). In a way, perpetual posts are actually more beneficial because they can be reviewed and built on over time, allowing us to better approach something resembling truth publicly and for all to see. Plus, probably saves server space too if it reduces the rehashing of arguments.

  • @infotainment@lemmy.world
    1110 months ago

    When there’s a subreddit about something you’re interested in, but it’s run by mods who enforce a extensive collection of esoteric posting rules.

    We’re sorry, but you’ve posted about Topic C on a Wednesday, which is strictly prohibited. Discussion of Topic C is only allowed in the megathread which is only open for comments on the first Saturday of odd numbered months. Didn’t you read our rules?

    • @zosu@vlemmy.net
      310 months ago

      also, you need 1 million karma to post and your account must be 100 years old. oh and you’re shadowbanned in that sub, so nobody can see your posts, because a mod once read an unrelated comment you wrote in a different sub and didn’t like it.

  • @Didek_@lemmy.ml
    33 years ago

    The “download the app” prompt 🤕 I know there are open source clients, but sometimes i want to read with my browser

  • seahorse
    33 years ago

    How the userbase is constantly bombarding the site with alternate versions of the same meme. Everything just feels so try-hard.

  • IngrownMink4
    3 years ago
    • Closed source (honestly, I’d rather not know what the redesign of Reddit is made of…)
    • It’s annoying, slow and tedious
    • Works better in Chrome™ (I can’t even scroll down the website properly with Firefox)
    • Harmful business model (Reddit Premium, Reddit Coins, pay-to-win-karma…)
    • It’s a JavaScript powered website (not recommended for low-end machines)
    • Communities are full of racists, homophobes, sexists, xenophobes…
    • The use of sensationalist headlines is promoted to gain karma
    • Is the ideal site for alt-right and conspiracy theories apologists
    • Leftist/Communist/ML/MLM userbase is discriminated and censored everyday
    • Reddit moderators are terrible (most of them)
    • Dark patterns everywhere
    • They block Tor users
    • (I can think of many more but need I go on?)
      • AceKat
        13 years ago

        Yeah, maybe OP has something to do with them? They teach to stay away from MLM everywhere, it’s not just reddit. And that’s positive, because it’s a scam

  • fakefunk
    13 years ago

    You can’t report a subreddit. Only individual posts.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    The trashy Western edgy kid culture that breeds enough racism and discrimination to make Hitler blush. Some subreddits are a mini version of Kiwifarms, like r/FemaleDatingStrategy, a flip coin version of MGTOW.

  • As always when someone asks me this question, I have to reply that reddit is just generally very hostile towards its users.

    Mods always fight against admins; I used to be a mod. You check reddit one day and see there’s a new sitewide rule you now have to enforce. These rules fit on one line, so you’re left confused trying to understand how to implement it (e.g. the “no violent content” rule. Is cartoon violence prohibited? Reddit seems to think so), and you get no advance warning. We are performing free labour to keep their site running and yet as a mod your account is not in any way protected. You get three strikes like everyone else and after that you’re suspended, even if you mod a big subreddit that needs someone there.

    Other users are really aggressive towards new users if you don’t catch the inner workings of Reddit fast enough. Most subreddits have a karma or account age threshold before you can post to cut on spam. That means you, as a new user, make an account and you can’t post anywhere anyway. It’s like the site doesn’t want you. Mods are also notoriously hostile towards their community but part of that is because they get so much hate that they can do nothing against (it took the admins years to implement a mute function in modmail, they had no idea mods actually even got hate mail). Don’t respect this obscure rule you had no idea existed and you get your post removed without any notification. Every community is ran differently despite being on the same site. But wait, didn’t I say reddit enforces rules to its mods without warning them?

    Yep, you get it now. There are too many contradictions happening in Reddit and I can only hope Lemmy knows to learn from them.

    • ⁠ ︎
      03 years ago

      Don’t forget the mods that selectively enforce certain rules or remove content because they don’t agree with something even though it doesn’t violate any rules.

  • @Lunacy@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    The UI. Really awful, it feels so bloated and uncomfortable. No, Reddit, I won’t use your mobile app.

  • Katie Ampersand
    13 years ago

    it is So Fucking Slow. i can’t use it for more than 10 minutes without it slowing down to the point of unusability